At Paintball Park Nest, players of the team, they don’t just play.. They live a special experience and they have a unique chance to become protagonists of their own action movie!
For that reason, we create prototype and imaginative scenarios and missions, that the players should perform through different battle fields.
On your arrival at our park, our supervisor trainers will welcome you and inform you about the procedure, the scenarios’ rules and the missions which will take place.
During the games, coaches will be along with the group, in order to inform and supervise the participants.
While the games are taking place at the modulated area of a natural forest, and that means instant contact with its elements, like branches, leaves, grass, we suggest you comfortable and light-casual clothes, which have to be long-sleeve. For example long comfortable jeans, or sweat-suit, with casual boots (it would be better if you have hiking boots) or other type, which will not be slippery and a comfortable long sleeve t-shirt (jumper), and a short-sleeve t-shirt on the inside.
n case that you want it, it is suggested to bring a hat with you, a thick knit cap or a scarf, for the rest of your head, which will be out of the mask.
For everyone who want a better cover and protection, we suggest that you can rent a full body military uniform at your size with cost 5€
During the Second World War, the allies’ forces had been given the order to stop the route of Germans at the pass of river Oslan, between 2 bridges, which connect the north with the south part of Normand countryside, in order to stop the advance of Nazi soldiers. The bridges of river Oslan have a strategical meaning for the result of the war. Every opponent who will make it possible to pass through and survive, will weigh on the final results’ pros and cons of the allies’ forces. Purpose of that scenario is under the pressure of time, the allies’ forces to succeed a crucial hit to the opponent. Who will make it out to pass through the bridges and come out alive?
During 1965, at the war of Vietnam, one team of American is being attacked by Vietnamese bushwhackers. The derelict fortress of the hill, in which Americans have camped, is being threatened by the repeated hits of North Vietnamese bushwhackers. Purpose of that mission is the Vietnamese forces, not to succeed on breaking the defense of the Americans and occupy the fortress. Will you bring the battle at your measure?
A river of vital meaning and strategical position, to the highlands of Afghanistan, is being claimed by Taliban units, who are trying to occupy him, having as opponents the organized units of American commando. The chosen American unit has to try and succeed to repel the attacks of the bushwhackers and to limit their action on the other side of the river, before the bushwhackers’ units succeed to pollute with toxics the river. Will you be the savior of the river?
One quick game, one quick match between opponents is getting started with the beginning of the game. Gusts are falling from everywhere, even before the players of the 2 teams catch their positions. One small -somewhat- limited area will be the field of a relentless battle. One simple team death match is rising the tension and the adrenaline of the players, because the only option that they have, is to move straight ahead to the opponent. Hard to cover.. hard to hide.. hard to draw back.. and all these while the bullets are falling like rain. One battle do or die.
One small military unit of American jeep, has been hit relentless by hostile RPG and the crew of the vehicles have been forced to abandon the ruins of the armored vehicles and take rough defense positions, in order to defend their lives. Purpose of that mission is to succeed on keeping their positions until the American air forces appear to help them by air. Wil you survive until the aerial help?
The equipment all the participants are given is intact, full and last generation’s. Every player is given a mask of double antidazzle lens, neckband, protective armor, full marker (gun, ammunition, air bottle) and a military vest. The equipment is being adjust on each user.
- 2 - 13 personsSIMPLE€30/ person
- ~3-4 hours
- 200 free paintballs
- Field services
- 9€/~150 extra paintballs
- 14+ personsSpecial 200€25/ personfrom 28€ (-25%)
- ~3-4 hours
- 200 free paintballs
- Field Services
- 7,5€/~150 extra paintballs
- 14+ personsSpecial 500€35/ personfrom 46€ (-40%)
- ~3-4 hours
- 500 free paintballs
- Field services
- 7,5€/~150 extra paintballs
We would like you to know that the individual participation cost, is a ratio of services’ quality equipment, size of the area (park), constructions and facilities. We’ve tried a lot, in order to keep a compatible cost concerning the above.
So, the cost, make us hope that soon, paintball -which is the second most popular activity of alternative sports and fun worldwide-, will conquer you and make you big funs!
We make offers to our prices! Not in our services!!